How to Promote Your Podcast on Social Media Channels

People can find your podcast in a wide variety of ways. But if you have the correct strategy in place, one of the most effective methods to increase the visibility of your podcast is through social media. 

Though it might occasionally feel daunting, learning how to advertise your podcast on social media is exciting. Online, there are numerous platforms, tools, and an endless number of recommendations.

You have a lot on your plate as a creator. Because of this, we have collected some tips on promoting podcasts and compiled them in one spot for you.

Find the targeted audience and make informed platform decisions.

Although many social media sites are available, only a few are ideal. Think about your audience’s location and social media usage before launching your podcast or when you are just getting started.

What does your podcast cover? Whom are you addressing? Is your target market younger or older? They most likely utilize Snapchat or Instagram, or Twitter. 

If you are launching a business podcast aimed at senior leaders? We recommend LinkedIn.

Your target audience most certainly uses a variety of platforms, but you want to pick the one where they are most engaged. Doing this can save time and effort by avoiding wasting it on social media updates that nobody will see.

If you are looking for a distribution platform rather than a publishing platform like Spotify and Youtube that may rank your podcast more quickly in Google search results and reach listeners interested in your content, you should try Google Podcast. You can learn about it here

Take advantage of the video.

You might get more traction for your podcast on social media by including videos instead of just links or still images.

Video is gaining much traction on social media platforms because the algorithms favor it. Because you can depict silent reactions and storytelling cues, you can tailor your content through video cuts.

If you produce video podcasts, think about sharing 60-second snippets of your episodes on your social media profiles to pique the interest of potential listeners. For instance, if you interviewed a guest, choose a must-see piece that was entertaining, thought-provoking, or motivational. This will encourage viewers to watch the entire episode.

You may still utilize video to promote your episodes on your social media channels even if your podcast is audio-only (or you’re camera-shy). You can show your surroundings or relevant video even if you dislike speaking into the camera.

Stay organized and consistent.

When it comes to advertising your podcast on social media, consistency is essential. To maintain the interest of your present followers and draw in new ones, you should consistently publish new content.

It’s simple to overlook your social media strategy when you’re preoccupied with podcast production duties like guest scheduling, scripting, and editing. Make social media content templates so you won’t have to start from scratch all the time to maintain your momentum.

Create a framework for each post if you know the type of material you want to publish so that you can easily plug-in data and visual assets without envisioning brand-new content.

For instance, you could design a uniform cover art image; you would need to change the text to reflect the new episode names. We also advise preparing social media material in advance to stay on time.

Use hashtags

If you decide to advertise your podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or even LinkedIn, you must incorporate podcast hashtags in your postings. Utilizing hashtags will increase the size of your audience and direct people to your material who are interested in that particular hashtag.

Find a few generic hashtags, such as #doglovers or #cookingfun, that best reflect the topics covered in your podcast. It would be best if you also created a unique hashtag for your show. While nobody may use it at first, a branded hashtag can help you start building your community (more on that later), and it can grow into a potent brand-building tool for your podcast.

Strengthen your social media community

It’s about more than just encouraging folks to listen to your most recent episode on social media. Being sociable and creating a community around your podcast’s subject is key. You want to interact with your listeners and give them the impression that you are more than simply your podcast.

Self-promotion on social media is the simplest way to achieve this. Keep in mind that your listeners have access to a variety of podcasts. Because people enjoy you, they listen to yours! You can let people into your world by sharing your personality, your life, and yourself on your social media profiles.

Market your previous episodes

We can’t emphasize this advice enough! You must continually promote your previous episodes! Older episodes of your podcast are excellent instances of “best-hidden content.” this hidden content is material that, even after some time has passed since it was first published, is still beneficial to your audience.

The shelf life of your social media content is limited.

A viewer may have missed an episode, or your more recent fans were absent when the episode aired. Your audience will have additional opportunities to listen to your broadcast if you share these posts.


Producing engaging episodes is your top priority as a podcaster, whether you release content daily or weekly. However, we remind podcasters that their listeners want to hear from them between episodes. 

Social media is an excellent tool for fostering community. As your fans frequently check their feeds, maintaining activity helps you maintain brand awareness between new episode announcements.

Consider social media as a continuation of your podcast rather than a distinct platform. Social media can magnify it to a whole new level. 

Additionally, to increase your podcast listeners, you can employ marketing strategies. To learn about the latest marketing trends, check out our 6 Things You Need to Know About Marketing Trends in 2023 that might be for you.

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