Best Tricks To Make and Edit Your Social Media Videos Perfectly

Source: Pexels

Social media is a powerful medium that allows brands of all sizes to compete on a global scale. In recent years, video marketing has become paramount in social media content strategies, boasting higher levels of engagement compared to static posts.

However, it’s not as simple as posting a video and walking away. Your videos should be well-crafted and edited to meet your audience’s standards.

Here are some of the best tricks to make and edit your social media videos perfectly.

Choose the Right Tools

Native apps offer several editing features to create fun, compelling videos. However, choosing a standalone video editor for TikTok and Instagram Reels can help you gain more creative control over your content.

Pick an editor that allows you to create custom audio blends, streamline your transitions, and back up your content offsite. Operating from a desktop or laptop can also make it easier to see the details for editing and streamline the scheduling process with automated posting apps.

Keep It Concise

Short and sweet is the way to go when editing social media videos. One of the key metrics used to determine overall engagement and trigger the algorithm is video completion. In essence, the more times your video is played through to the end, the better it performs. Thus, crafting shorter content will help you work with the algorithm to extend your reach.

One caution to this rule: shorter isn’t always better. If you have longer content ideas that add value to your brand or marketing strategy, try them out. These videos are great for communicating ideas and sharing information with your audience to help build a trusting rapport.

Caption and Subtitle Everything

Captions and subtitles are a must. While some people strike gold with a simple #FYP hashtag and no caption or subtitles, it’s a rare occurrence.

Adding captions possibly with the help of a video subtitle generator, creates a reason for people to pause their scrolling activity and look at your post. The longer people dwell on your post, the better the engagement rating (especially if the video runs through a few times in the background). This is also an opportunity to convey long-form thoughts that aren’t captured in your video content.

Subtitles make your content more accessible for people who:

  • Enjoy watching videos in public
  • Speak another language
  • Have hearing impairments
  • Have learning disabilities
  • Are noise sensitive

The easier you make it for everyone to enjoy your video, the broader the net you’re casting when seeking an audience.

Be Experimental and Analytical

Don’t get hung up on what other people are doing. There will be hundreds of experts online who tell you conflicting tasks and priorities about how to go viral. In reality, going viral is lucky — even with great content and planning. 

Instead, focus on creating intentional content and experimenting with different approaches. Run your science experiments and review the data to make an informed decision. Then, go with whatever approach yields the best result for your audience.

Editing your videos is about staying true to the audience. Incorporate transitions and several mediums (copy via subtitles and captions, audio mixes, etc.) to captivate your audience and create winning social media posts.

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