The 6 Biggest Twitter Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

The 6 Biggest Twitter Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

One of the latest Twitter studies showed that more than 65% of American companies have a Twitter presence. In fact, some of the world’s biggest brands have been using Twitter marketing to grow their brand.

Brands such as Nike, Starbucks and the majority of Fortune 500 companies use Twitter marketing too. However, the majority of people who use Twitter for business make the following costly Twitter marketing mistakes:


Mistake number 1: Using Twitter as a one-way communication channel


As tempting as it is when using Twitter for business to only login to Twitter to broadcast a message about your product, your service or your company in general and then logout, Twitter is a social network, and the “social” aspect of it should not be ignored.

Instead, engage with your followers by responding to their questions, by acknowledging their tweets through liking them or sharing them. In order to do so, when you first login to Twitter, click on ‘messages’ to see if anyone has sent you a personal message which you should acknowledge and respond to.



Then, check your notifications to see who has engaged with your tweets and reciprocate by either liking or retweeting their tweets. Another great Twitter marketing strategy to use twitter as a two-way communication channel is by tagging certain users in your tweets.

Simply add people’s Twitter usernames in your tweets when appropriate. When you do, they will be notified in the ‘notification’ section of their Twitter profile.


Mistake number 2: Not being follow-worthy


Usually, too much focus is put on acquiring followers instead of social media branding by customizing and optimizing a Twitter profile, to become “follow-worthy”.

In order for your social media branding to stand out and your Twitter account to be worthy of people’s attention, it is important to make sure there is a profile picture (either a logo or a headshot of the business owner), as well as a detailed and keyword-rich description of the business and how it benefits people and a custom-made “header” which includes an attention grabbing headline and the target audience enjoying the benefits the business provides.

If you’d like to take your Twitter marketing to the next level, and significantly increase the results you’re getting from your current Twitter marketing efforts, click here to download my FREE Twitter marketing report. Simply enter your name and email and I’ll instantly send you the report.



The better your social media branding is and the more your Twitter account is customized the more it will stand out from other accounts and the more likely you will be to attract more targeted followers.


Mistake number 3: Not using Twitter analytics tools


Since so many Twitter analytics tools are available for people who use Twitter for business which provide critical information about your followers, and other metrics, it is important to always track the performance of your Twitter marketing efforts.

When using Twitter analytics tools, you’ll be able to cut the cord on what doesn’t work, and double up your efforts on what does. For example, the Twitter automation tool allows you to find out when your followers are the most active and responsive on the platform so you can tweet at these particular times for maximum impact.


Mistake number 4: Using Twitter mass follow Twitter tools


Probably one of the biggest Twitter mistakes and among the riskiest ones is practicing Twitter mass follows. Following users aggressively in the hope of getting more followers is frowned upon and can lead to the temporary or permanent suspension of your account.

If you’d like to take your Twitter marketing to the next level, and significantly increase the results you’re getting from your current Twitter marketing efforts, click here to download my FREE Twitter marketing report. Simply enter your name and email and I’ll instantly send you the report.

Plus, following too many people and having a big gap between the number of followers you have and the number of people you follow can make you look desperate. Instead, follow a few people manually from time to time, and try not to exceed 100 follows a day. Wait a few days for people to follow you back before you start following new people again.

There are also plenty of Twitter tools available that allow you to unfollow people who haven’t followed you back, such as These Twitter tools will show you all the people who you are following but who are not following you back and allows you to unfollow them.



Again, use this Twitter automation tool in moderation as mass follow or mass unfollowing is frowned upon and can raise flags.


Mistake number 5: Not putting together a strategic plan


One of the keys to Twitter marketing success is having a plan and then executing it, rather than performing actions randomly. To increase your chances of success on Twitter, decide on your goal and then put together a Twitter marketing strategy to ensure that goal is reached.

A Twitter marketing strategy is simply a summary of what you plan to do and achieve using Twitter. For example, should your initial goal be to increase the number of Twitter followers you have, then your strategic plan should include the detailed steps you will take to ensure that goal is achieved within a specific timeframe. Your Twitter marketing strategy should include the following elements:

  • A description of your target audience
  • The hashtags you will be using
  • The types of tweets you will be posting
  • Your tweet posting frequency
  • The free strategies you will be using to market your account (for example, following 50 people a day so that a percentage of them follow you back, a contest rewarding people for following you, emailing your database inviting them to follow you on Twitter, or adding a Twitter follow tab on your website).
  • The paid strategies you will be using to market your account (such as paying influencers to promote your account or allocating a budget for Twitter ads)

Mistake 6: Not posting multi-dimensional content


Another very common mistake to avoid on Twitter is posting one-dimensional content. In other words, publishing tweets which are very similar to each other.

For example, only posting quotes or only posting about your products or services. Instead, vary the types of tweets you publish so you don’t become boring and predictable.

You could vary your tweets between links to blog posts, videos, testimonials, sharing content created from your followers about your brand (also known as ‘user generated content’), humour, news relevant to your industry etc…

Ideally, your promotional tweets where you advertise your products or services should only be published 20% of the time, and 80% of your tweets should not be promotional but instead add value to your audience. When you follow the 80/20 rule, your followers will be more responsive to your promotions because you will have earned their respect.

If you’d like to take your Twitter marketing to the next level, and significantly increase the results you’re getting from your current Twitter marketing efforts, click here to download my FREE Twitter marketing report. Simply enter your name and email and I’ll instantly send you the report.

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