5 Tips For Effective Twitter Ads

5 Tips For Effective Twitter Ads

Since Twitter was launched, it has accumulated over 556 million monthly active users and has become a fantastic opportunity for businesses to generate traffic and leads. And, with the introduction of their new advertising option, results from your marketing efforts can be considerably accelerated.

twitter_adSo if you want to get more followers, increase your engagement rate, generate more traffic to your website, or more video views or more leads, you can achieve all that thanks to Twitter ads even if you’re starting from scratch. There are three types of Twitter ads: promoted tweets, promoted accounts and promoted trends.

To create a Twitter advertising account, you first need to own a Twitter profile. Then, create an advertising account by going to https://ads.twitter.com and submitting your payment details. Once your account has been set up, choose the objective of your campaign from 7 different options. For example, if the objective of your campaign is to generate traffic to your website, you would select “website clicks or conversions”.

With more marketers using Twitter ads, it is absolutely critical you learn the ropes and know how to craft a successful Twitter ad if you want to experience a good return on investment.


So here are the 5 tips for effective Twitter advertising:

Tip number 1: do your research. Before putting ideas down on for your Twitter ad, a good habit to adopt is checking what is working and what isn’t for your competitors. Go to your competitor’s profiles and look at what offers they make generate the most buzz. To do so, simply click on “tweets” and scroll through the list of tweets published. When you do, look at the tweets which have generated the most engagement. This will give you an indication of what path to follow. For example, should they be releasing discount codes on Twitter and getting a lot of engagement for it, then you might consider using ads on Twitter to promote discount codes.


Tip number 2: gather social proof. As you may already know, social proof is a great way to improve your results, as people tend to follow other people’s actions. So if a lot of people are sharing your tweet, it will entice even more people to do the same. The great news, is that you can use this to your advantage when setting up Twitter advertising. You can advertise your tweet to less expensive audiences at first (such as non Anglo-saxon countries as they are less competitive and more affordable) to increase engagement (likes, shares and retweets). This will build the social proof you need at a very low price. Once your tweet has a lot of engagement, you can then change the targeting, to target the audience of your choice. When your tweet with high engagement will appear in the timeline of your target audience, it will attract more attention as people tend to be drawn by content that appears to be popular.


Tip number 3: Split test your ads on Twitter. Split testing, also known as A/B testing is the process of testing different variables to see what works better. You can split test your headline first by launching 5 exact same ads but only changing the headline, to see which one performs best. Then, once you have found the best headline, launch another 5 exact same Twitter ads but change the image. Once you have found the image that converts best, perform the same experiment but change something else, like the call to action. Once you have tested all variables, you will be able to craft the perfect Twitter ad. You should allocate a budget of at least $200 for split testing. Knowing what works best will save you a lot of money overall.

Tip number 4: Don’t include hashtags or mentions in your promoted tweets. Hashtags and mentions when included in a tweet become clickable links which means, people might click on the hashtag or the mention instead of your call-to-action. It is important that in every Twitter ad, the only clickable element is your call to action.


Tip number 5: Target mobile users. When setting up the targeting for your Twitter ad, you will be asked whether you want your ad to be visible to the users who login to twitter from their mobile phone. Considering the fact that 80% of monthly active Twitter users access Twitter using their mobile phone, make sure that option is enabled.


So I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post on the 5 tips for effective Twitter advertising. Remember to like this post, share it, and leave a comment below. To receive more social media tips, make sure you subscribe to our channel here.


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