How to Prevent Main Test Automation Issues and Not Fail

In addition to having many benefits, automated testing helps to address a great deal of issues. It can run tests in real time, provide comprehensive code coverage, and exposes even the smallest faults that are missed by manual testing. That being said, this might only work occasionally. We would want to talk about the most common errors and issues that testers may encounter nowadays and offer advice on how to prevent them.

Several issues testers can face and how to overcome them

The number of defects in websites and applications increases in direct proportion to the expansion and development of already-existing applications. As a result, testers may run across an increasing number of issues. We go into more detail on seven of them below. There are dedicated automation QA testing teams that can handle even the most challenging issues. With years of experience, these teams are capable of handling the following obstacles and know how to make testing as effective and affordable as possible.

1.   Pick the Right Tools

Automated testing involves using special tools that help analyze the code more deeply. Their number is impressive, so making a choice is sometimes extremely difficult. It would be best to use industry-leading tools trusted and used by other large companies. Most of these tools have a large community, which helps to get additional advice if needed.

2.   Build the right testing strategy

There is no unique strategy for any project. The testing strategy is developed for each project, taking into account the following aspects:

  • business needs;
  • current IT infrastructure,
  • technological stack,
  • requirements for tools and features of your project.

When creating a testing strategy, they usually involve several specialists with excellent qualifications and extensive experience; they often use brainstorming.

3.   Take both testing type

Sometimes people rely too heavily on automated testing, burying themselves in manual testing. However, they need to appreciate the quality of the interface and user experience. Ideally, automated and manual tests should go hand in hand, resulting in a high-quality product that users love, is easy to use, and has excellent technical characteristics.

4.   Testing cost

Automated tests may be quite expensive. The fact is that most of the tools are paid, so you need to think in advance about how much you can allocate for testing. In addition, it’s better for you to invest in testing wisely. You can save more money on including third-party testing by using software testing as a service. This is similar to a monthly membership in that you receive maximum resources from a team of testers who monitor your product for a set period of time, alerting you when necessary and eradicating the most serious issues. More details can be found in the guide to TAaaS.

5.   Diversity of testing environment

The tester must check how the software will work on different devices – Windows, Android, iOS, and many others. It would help if you used cloud testing tools, simulators, and emulators to do this. It will help you better evaluate how your software will perform on different devices.

6.   False positive and false negative results

One of the critical problems is the occurrence of complex-positive and complex-negative results, which can negatively affect testing. As a rule, such tasks are delegated to specialists who know the specifics of the industries being tested and the errors that arise in the process.

7.   Lack of teamwork

There should be stable and efficient work between testers and programmers. Team interaction helps to quickly and easily identify and correct possible errors. It would be best if you thought in advance through which communication channels specialists should communicate, with what speed to make changes to the code and do repeated tests. It would help if you also discussed reporting issues in advance. Building a QA team can take a lot of time because it is necessary to consider different specialists’ professional and personal qualities.

What mistakes can lead to failures in automated testing?

Several mistakes even experienced testers can make; among the most dangerous are the following:

  • Aspiration to automate all processes;
  • Automate more than 1 test at a time;
  • Not being flexible about testing;
  • Test multiple aspects in one test scenario;
  • Selecting source code just because it’s open source;
  • Don’t adapt tests as the project evolves.

Some specialists believe they must follow the testing strategy unquestioningly, forgetting that testing should be flexible and adapt to the specifics of your project and changes in the market. If your project is growing, the old test plans may need to be updated and give the desired result.

In addition, automated testing should be introduced gradually. If you decide to do it right away, you risk losing more money and getting an extremely negative result because some tests may be incompatible.

List of the most popular tools

As already mentioned, to get the highest quality result, you should use proven tools; among the most common are:

  • UiPath Test Suite;
  • Tricentis TOSCA;
  • Selenium;
  • Ranorex;
  • TestComplete.

Each of the above tools has its fundamental features and different functions, so you need to consider only the parts of your project. It is crucial that the tool meets the pricing policy and technical characteristics and can fulfill the desired goals and objectives.

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