How to Gain ACTIVE and ORGANIC Instagram Followers in 2023

If you’ve been using social networks to build an engaged audience and market your business, Instagram is a great marketing channel to use.

Instagram is a social network that allows you to share your message with people visually, through pictures and videos using your mobile phone or desktop computer.

You simply upload an image or video from your phone or computer, choose a filter to change your image if you want to, and publish it onto Instagram. You can also share other pictures from other Instagram accounts, comment on them or like them.

What makes Instagram an important social network to use as a marketing channel is that there are about 1.6 billion active monthly users. Plus, Forrester research found that user engagement with Instagram posts far outweighs that of Facebook or Twitter.

Needless to say, Instagram can represent an important marketing channel for your business.

However, building a large and engaged audience can be tricky, especially if you’re starting from scratch. Even if you publish quality content on Instagram on a regular basis, attracting followers organically is usually a very slow process. It could take years for you to have thousands of Instagram followers unless you use tools that help you attract them.

One very effective tool to grow your Instagram following organically and on autopilot is is a service you can join that connects Instagram content creators with freelancers who work towards getting your account as many targeted, active and engage Instagram followers.

What makes a unique tool is the fact that it doesn’t rely on bots. Only real people work towards getting you Instagram followers. The service also ensures that the people who engage with your content are your actual followers. Because it can look very suspicious and actually raise flags if your content gets a lot of engagement from people who don’t follow you! And because it’s real people working towards growing your audience, you can rest assured that you’re getting targeted followers. Because the people who follow you and engage with your Instagram posts are freelancers who have been carefully checked. These Instagram followers have an account that is a minimum of three months old and have published real posts. Lastly, what makes very unique, is the fact that you see your engagement and followers grow, consistently over time, as opposed to seeing your account grow suddenly, from one day to the next. Sudden growth on Instagram can look quite suspicious and fake, therefore with you can rest assured that no activity will raise flags, and raise eyebrows!

To join the service, all you have to do is go to the website and select the tab ‘customers’ to create an account. Then, click on ‘try’ below ‘try our active followers’. You will then have to enter your email address and a password. Make sure you remember your password, as you will need it to sign in to the service.

Once you have created your account, you can sign in each time by clicking on the ‘sign in’ tab on the top right hand side of the website.

When you do, you will be asked to select whether you want to use the service to grow your followers or to become a freelancer and be paid to engage with people’s Instagram accounts.

When you select the option “I’m a customer, I want to get followers”, type your Instagram username, agree to their terms of service and confirm you are over 16 years old.

However, before you start using the service, it is important to customize and optimize your Instagram account beforehand, so it becomes follow-worthy.

In other words, make sure your bio is complete, and describes your business and your target audience. Your bio should also include a call to action, redirecting people to your website or any other touch point you’d like to redirect people to. For example, if you sell gym equipment, your bio could be “we provide a wide range of quality home fitness equipment across Europe, free shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee”.

You also have to make sure that you upload a profile picture. Your Instagram profile picture should be square so it fits properly and no parts of the image is cut off. When it comes to profile pictures, either upload your business logo or a profile picture of you if you are the face of the business.

Before joining, make sure that you have published interesting, quality Instagram posts and add a description for each. Plus, your Instagram profile has to be public to join the service.

Remember, Instagram is a visual platform and acts as an online magazine version of your business. In other words, the style of pictures, the text fonts on your pictures and the colours match your branding and are consistent, so you can attract more targeted Instagram followers.

Once you have customized your Instagram account and published some posts, you can then login to your account so you are redirected to your customer profile, and select “get new followers”. Then, type in how many followers you would like to add. You can choose to order a minimum of 10 new followers.

Then, choose what type of followers you’d like to get between the two options: active and super active followers. Then, choose the language you would like the followers you get to use on Instagram. If you want only English-speaking followers, then choose “English” from the drop-down menu. Once you have made your selection, you will notice that ordering super active followers is more expensive. Once you are happy with the total cost of the service, simply agree to the terms of service and click on “start a contract”.

Then, decide for how many days you’d like to use the service for, choose a payment method and click on ‘pay’.

So there you have it! A new, easy, and effective way to get active and engaged Instagram followers without lifting a finger!

About the Author


  1. William

    The article offers valuable and unique insights for individuals and businesses looking to grow their Instagram following. It stands out by providing strategies tailored to the current year and emphasizing organic growth. The article covers topics such as creating valuable content, leveraging Instagram features like Stories and Reels, using hashtags strategically, and collaborating with influencers. Overall, it is a comprehensive and insightful resource that I highly recommend for anyone seeking to enhance their Instagram marketing strategy in 2023.

  2. Robert

    I just finished reading the article and I must say it provided some incredibly valuable insights. The strategies shared are refreshingly unique and up-to-date, specifically tailored for Instagram marketing in 2023. The article not only emphasizes the importance of organic growth but also offers practical tips and techniques to attract and engage active followers. I found the step-by-step approach and actionable advice very helpful in understanding how to navigate the evolving landscape of Instagram and build a genuine following. This article is a gem for anyone seeking to enhance their Instagram marketing game and establish a thriving online presence. Kudos to the author for delivering such a positive and informative piece!


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