How to Harness the Power of Pinterest to Bring a Flood of Buying Traffic to your Website Daily

Hi, Corinna Essa here and if you’d like to know how to leverage one of the biggest online traffic sources, then this is going to be one of the most interesting messages you come across.
I know that might be a big claim to make, but let me explain.
You might have heard of Pinterest before as one of many social networks but did you know that Pinterest drives more traffic to websites than Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ or Youtube!
Plus, according to a new study, 47% Of Online Shoppers Have Made A Purchase Based On A Recommendation From Pinterest…
And Pinterest shoppers spend on average $80 per order which is twice as much as Facebook shoppers!
So although marketers have pushed Pinterest under the rug because there are more Facebook users, if you do too, you’re leaving lots of money on the table.
What makes Pinterest an even more powerful network for business owners is that unlike other social networks like Facebook and Instagram, Pinterest users go onto the platform to buy or plan their future purchases. That’s a much different intention than Facebook users or Instagram users who use the platform to connect with friends and family or catch up on news. Pinterest traffic generates a lot of traffic with buying power.
And if you need more reasons to pay attention to Pinterest, then consider this: Very few marketers have yet to leverage the power of Pinterest and it’s not cluttered with ads which means there is a lot of opportunity left for marketers, which you can now take advantage of when you know how.
You see, if you’re currently using Pinterest the same way you use other social networks like focusing on building a profile and building an audience is one thing you may be doing wrong.
Most people think they have to start with a Pinterest profile, and then have to save plenty of pins from other places to attract followers. Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
This confusion comes from other social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram which encourage users to build their profile by posting content consistently to grow their audience.
But Pinterest is different.
While you do need a Pinterest profile to set up Pinterest ads, you DON’T need a profile to get lots of buying traffic from Pinterest.
Let me demonstrate this.
Our company does not have a Pinterest profile, but I know we get a lot of traffic from Pinterest.
How do I know we do?
Here’s the trick: You can go to “www.pinterest.com/source/ and enter your website URL” to see what people are pinning from ANY website.
So when I go to www.pinterest.com/source/socialmediaworldwide.com I can see all the images that have been taken from our website and pinned to Pinterest. And when Pinterest users see these images and click on them, they get redirected to our website!
And the even better news is that our pins don’t even have to look professional or be fancy.
In fact, the pins that don’t look professionally designed tend to do better than the ones that are because they don’t come across as ads.
Well, the good news is that thanks to Pinterest Pro, our most comprehensive Pinterest marketing home study course, you can achieve all this in less than an hour a week.
Pinterest pro is our step by step online home study course where I reveal the most effective Pinterest traffic and sales generation strategies. And best of all, this course is packed with real life examples and case studies of successful campaigns.
You’ll never have to guess what to do on Pinterest ever again, or spin your wheels, waste time or waste money ever again, guaranteed.
And the best part is you’ll discover how to attract qualified traffic. In other words, not just people who click to look at pretty images, but people who click to buy from you and subscribe to your mailing list eager to get more from you and tell others to do the same.
You see, I began my career by building audiences on social networks to grow my mailing list. As a result, I built a mailing list of over 10,000 people in a very short space of time, which has been responsible for generating thousands of dollars in sales every month.
With everything I’ve learned, I now dedicate my work to helping other business owners experience similar results thanks to the power of effective social media campaigns.
Every day I spend hours researching and testing the latest strategies that bring in the most traffic, leads and sales online.
As a result, I’ve learnt what works and what doesn’t. So this course is a comprehensive training on how to gain traffic, leads and new customers using Pinterest alone.
What you won’t find in this course is:
Outdated information about Pinterest marketing because it gets updated as things change and evolve.
You won’t find common knowledge advice on Pinterest that you can find anywhere else
And you’ll certainly won’t find information on how to spend hours creating pretty pictures
Instead, you’ll discover:
And much, much more!
And all this, without coming across as pushy, salesy or desperate.
Knowing how to effectively leverage the power of Pinterest for marketing will give you an instant head start over your competitors who are blind to this kind of marketing.
So secure access to our Pinterest Pro home study course right now for only $295 to avoid missing out.
And to make your decision a complete no-brainer, you also have our 100% no questions-asked, 30-day money back guarantee.

That’s right. If the Pinterest Pro home study course is not exactly what you’re looking for, you don’t pay anything. We will personally refund your full investment.
So you’ve got absolutely nothing to lose. The risk is completely on us.
Don’t hesitate, don’t push it to later. Do it right now, you’ll be glad you did.
PLUS, to reward you for taking action,
we’re also including 2 amazing bonuses.

First, you’ll receive 12 months of email and phone support.
That’s right, after you go through our Pinterest Pro home study program you can email us or schedule a call with me for up to 12 months for any questions you may have or any help you may need. This is easily valued at $1,000.

Then, you’ll also have unlimited access to our graphic design team for any custom images you want created for Pinterest for 12 months.
What this means is that you won’t have to spend time creating images yourself, you won’t have to invest in image creation tools and you won’t have to hire anyone and pay anyone to create Pinterest images for you. Instead, you’ll have unlimited access to our graphic design team and can request an unlimited number of pins to be created for up to 12 months. This is easily valued at $2,400 because graphic designers charge an average of $300 a month.
So if you want to discover how to instantly become the hero of your niche, secure your copy of Pinterest Pro now, for only $295 and receive $3,400 of bonuses.
And remember, if for any reason it’s not exactly what you’re after, you’re protected by our 100% 30-day money back guarantee.
So the issue for you now is not whether you invest in my Pinterest Pro course or not, it’s about whether you want to give yourself an edge over every other business owner in your category.
Imagine how much it would cost you to generate traffic without Pinterest? Hundreds and even thousands of dollars. Thanks to our Pinterest Pro home study course, you’ll discover how to get the same amount of traffic you’re currently buying through ads, all for free.
When you follow the proven formula outlined in our Pinterest Pro home study course you won’t have to worry so much about generating traffic and leads for your business anymore.
Look, it’s almost impossible to match the traffic generation potential of Pinterest when millions of people spend hours on Pinterest every day planning their purchases and actively looking for products to buy.
So why not get a slice of this amazing source of traffic and targeted buyers?
All you need to know is how.
And for only $295 and $3,400 worth of bonuses, you can’t lose.
Secure your copy now and I’ll see you soon.
Harness the Power of Pinterest Today!
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