live webinar

How to build a rock-solid Linkedin profile and attract a steady stream of qualified leads


Tuesday, June 29th

2pm AEST (Sydney) / 5am BST (London)


Tuesday, June 29th

8pm AEST (Sydney) / 11am BST (London)

During this webinar I’ll reveal:

  • How to position yourself instantly as a thought leader and industry expert
  • How to double your network in 2 easy steps
  • 5 ways to leverage the power of Linkedin for traffic
  • The little-known Linkedin advertising system to build a mailing list fast
  • The common mistakes to avoid on Linkedin that are killing your sales
  • How to create a killer Linkedin profile and stand out from the noise
  • How to turn Linkedin connections into customers who rave about you and refer you
  • The hidden Linkedin features that will double your visibility
  • The 3-step system for identifying the perfect prospects for your business
  • How to get business referrals every single day so you don’t have to chase clients
  • How to put together a Linkedin marketing plan to achieve your business goals in under 30 minutes a day
  • And much, much more!

About the Presenter

Corinna Essa

Corinna Essa is known internationally as the go-to person when it comes to social media marketing. 

Corinna owns a social media marketing company helping businesses around the world leverage the power of social media without doing any of the legwork. Her company has been featured in many media outlets include Sky Business news, Working Women magazine, Tasmanian Times, Channel 7 and 101fm.

Corinna is also the author of 2 bestselling books “Money On Demand – The 16 Fastest Ways to Becoming a Millionaire Online” and “Reach: The SECRETS to converting your social media audience into your network marketing downline fast”

Choose your preferred session


Tuesday, June 29th

2pm AEST (Sydney) / 5am BST (London)


Tuesday, June 29th

8pm AEST (Sydney) / 11am BST (London)

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