How to Leverage the Power of the Facebook Pixel to Turn your Ads Into a Sales Generating Machine, Day In, Day Out

Dear friend,

Look, I know you're tired of hearing about how you should run Facebook ads for your business and how powerful they can be to bring you traffic and leads on demand.

I also know you’ve tried setting up some Facebook ads only to get stuck half way through because you don’t know what options among all the ones available you should choose. 

You’ve probably tried to follow the advice of many people giving you their system or their step-by-step formula to follow, using terms such as “pixels”, “conversions”and “optimization”without actually understanding how it works let alone how to implement their advice. 

So with that in mind, we've created an online video training which removes all the confusion and brings you all the clarity you need in terms of setting up Facebook campaigns the right way from scratch.

So instead of giving you a bunch of disjointed video modules, we’ve broken down the process of installing the correct Facebook tracking pixel the right way, on the right pages into step-by-step video tutorials while also explaining to you how the Facebook pixel works and how to take advantage of it and see your conversions sky rocket. 

Literally every step just laid out for you.

No waffling on. Just straight to the point instructions with plenty of examples and case studies of how we set up the Facebook tracking pixel and use it to turn Facebook ads into our best performing salesman.

This information laid out this way is information you won’t find anywhere else.

So by securing your copy of the “Ultimate Facebook Pixel Formula” it will mean for you:

  • Much less under performing Facebook ads and when ads don’t perform too well, you’ll be able to trouble shoot very quickly and fix them
  • NO more confusion about how to install the pixel correctly
  • NO more targeting the wrong people
  • NO more confusion about how to interpret Facebook analytics
  • Less work because thanks to the pixel, you’re letting Facebook do all the heavy lifting of finding the right people to target
  • NO more wasting money on campaigns that bring you nothing
  • NO more getting lots of clicks and having to pay for them even though they don’t convert to a lead or sale
  • NO more ads that make you look desperate and damage your brand’s reputation because you’ll be talking to the right people
  • NO more guessing who to target and spending hours trying to figure out the best target audience combinations

Instead, you’ll be able to experience:

  • More conversions at a lower price
  • A Facebook account that’s safer and not at risk of being shut down
  • Higher returns on investment
  • Maintaining costs low even when you’re scaling your ads
  • Better, more qualified leads
  • The ability to quickly analyse and optimize

And here's the best part:

  • It is explained in simple terms step by step so perfect even if you're a complete Facebook ads beginner or not tech savvy
  • It WORKS even if you’ve got a small budget
  • It WORKS even if you have a local business and who you can target is limited
  • It WORKS even if you've tried Facebook advertising before and FAILED

Instead you’ll discover what very few Facebook advertisers know to make the most of this platform at the lowest price possible and as fast as possible…

Making Facebook’s algorithms work hard for you and potentially turn Facebook into your best performing salesman.

Which means, traffic, leads and sales EVERY day.

In short, you have an effective traffic and lead generation machine - within 48-hours.

The training is called the “Ultimate Facebook Pixel Training for cheaper and faster conversions” - and this is your chance to secure yourself your copy.

Why? Because this is the formula that will CHANGE EVERYTHING for you.

Discover the Proven System for Turning Facebook Ads Into the Best Performing Sales Person for your Business by Leveraging the Power of The Facebook Pixel

In just easy to understand video modules we will show you exactly
how to implement our proven system

ONE BIG PROMISE: These online video modules will be worth at least $10,000 to you, because you’ll save money on your Facebook ad spending and make higher returns.

And if you don't agree, I’ll give you your 100% of your money back

What Makes this Training Different?

You know how most online training are… you sit and watch hours and hours of videos… and hopefully you get some ideas? 

Well what makes this training different is that it’s short, straight to the point, easy to understand and most of all, can be implemented fast in your business.

Not a bunch of ideas, theories and concepts.

But what we do in our 6 online businesses every day to generate traffic and leads on demand, daily. Making Facebook’s algorithm work hard for us.

You see we’ve been lucky enough to run Facebook ads for all our 6 businesses for the past 5 years
So what we reveal in this training isn't theory.

Which means, you’ll get the exact system we use for getting a consistent daily flow of traffic and leads that turn into customers.

And it’s information you won’t find anywhere else because we’ve developed the system ourselves.

ONE BIG PROMISE: These online video modules will be worth at least $10,000 to you, because you’ll save money on your Facebook ad spending and make higher returns.

And if you don't agree, I’ll give you your 100% of your money back

What will you Discover?

You'll discover how to get Facebook’s algorithm work hard for you to get you a consistent flow of traffic leads and sales on a daily basis.

Spending hours trying to find the right people to target and end up with no conversions.

Creating ads that get no engagement or worse, get disapproved by Facebook putting your advertising account at risk

Trying to guess why your campaigns are not performing and not knowing what to do with all the analytics provided

Your ads being annoying to Facebook users, your ads become welcome and more engaging because you’re targeting the right people, at the right time, with the right message

Spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars to display the wrong ads to the wrong people

You’ll learn how to install the Facebook tracking pixel in a way that collects all the information you need to have campaigns running at the right time, to the right audiences and at the lowest cost possible.

You'll learn the step-by-step system which makes all the difference to attracting and converting all the traffic, leads and sales you want.

You’ll discover what we do across all our different online businesses when it comes to setting up landing pages and installing the Facebook pixel on them for better converting ads and for much cheaper than what most advertisers pay.

Which means by following the video training you’ll know exactly what to do and how to do it. 


ONE BIG PROMISE: These online video modules will be worth at least $10,000 to you, because you’ll save money on your Facebook ad spending and make higher returns.

And if you don't agree, I’ll give you your 100% of your money back

How Can you be Sure it Works?

Well, instead of just telling you about how it’s worked for us, I’d rather show you.

Here’s one of our businesses where by leveraging all the information needed thanks to the Facebook tracking pixel, we’re spending less and getting leads at 60% cheaper than when we started.

This is just one of the many, many campaigns we’ve been running for the past 5 years.

So if you’d like to not only get campaigns converting but also increasing your conversions while still lowering your costs per conversions then secure your copy of the Ultimate Facebook Pixel Formula.

We’ll show you exactly how it’s done and how you can do it too.


ONE BIG PROMISE: These online video modules will be worth at least $10,000 to you, because you’ll save money on your Facebook ad spending and make higher returns.

And if you don't agree, I’ll give you your 100% of your money back

What People Are Saying...

Advanced Facebook advertising and pixel training was very comprehensive

"I can now get much more involved and active in the planning and set up of my Facebook ad campaigns, and understand on a deeper level how to make them work even better in our marketing. In my opinion, you should not be spending money on Facebook marketing without doing this in-depth training, you could be missing out on sales results with a much higher ROI."

Cydney O'Sullivan (The Celebrity Maker, Publishing and Promotions)

Here are More Reasons you Need to Secure your Copy Now:

  • Because we hand you a proven and tested system that you can implement straight away.
  • Because it’s information backed up with proof and examples of real active Facebook campaigns so you can model what works.
  • Because Facebook advertising is the future of online traffic generation and mastering this skill could mean you won’t have to worry ever again about where your next customer or client is going to come from.
  • Because mastering Facebook advertising is a very rare skill and a very valuable skill. Highly skilled Facebook advertisers charge thousands of dollars a month to their clients for implementing what we teach in this training.
  • Because Facebook advertising is the future of online traffic generation and mastering this skill could mean you won’t have to worry ever again about where your next customer or client is going to come from.

And as a gift for investing in this training, you’ll also receive my Facebook advertising blueprint manual valued at $995.

So as soon as you secure your copy of the “Ultimate Facebook Pixel Formula” you’ll also instantly receive my Facebook advertising blueprint manual.

In this manual you’ll discover:

  • How to understand how Facebook ads work even if you’re a complete beginner.
  • How to dramatically scale your marketing efforts thanks to Facebook ads.
  • The do’s and don’ts of Facebook advertising.
  • The biggest mistakes Facebook advertisers make and how to avoid them.
  • The secrets of successful Facebook ads (examples and case studies).
  • The latest advanced strategies that the world’s best marketers are currently using.
  • The little-known tricks to make anyone want to click on your ads.

Is This Course Right For You?

Who is this for

  • A business owner and would like to discover how to attract more leads and clients.
  • A digital marketing agency and you want to know how to help your clients get better results with their marketing efforts.
  • A consultant, coach or author and would like to know how to attract more clients without having to spend thousands of dollars.
  • A sales person looking to attract more leads
Turn your Ads Into a Sales Generating Machine, Day In, Day Out In Just Easy to Understand Video Modules

The training is backed by our 30 day no questions asked 100% money back guarantee. If it’s not exactly what you’re looking for and you’re not absolutely thrilled with what you discover, then you don’t pay a cent.

How does this Training Help You?

  • Teaches you a simpler, more efficient way to market your business so you can do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.
  • Shows you how to make Facebook’s algorithm work hard for you so you can eliminate all the guesswork when setting up your Facebook ad campaigns.
  • You’ll be able to troubleshoot underperforming campaigns fast so you stop wasting money on ads that don’t work.
  • You won’t have to experience quiet times in your business because you’ll be able to have a consistent flow of traffic and leads daily.
  • You won’t have to deal with unqualified prospects who just waste your time.
  • You’ll be able to forecast sales and revenue in a more accurate way because you’ll know your numbers.
  • You won’t need to have thousands of dollars in advertising budget because your targeting will be more specific.

As you can see this training is worth much more than $195 so please only secure your copy if you seriously want to change your results.

About Corinna Essa

I was struggling for years to make my own advertising campaigns work better. She tried lots and lots of different methods and strategies and spent a lot of time and money during the process.

It’s not until 2016 when I discovered what makes people click ads on Facebook that I started experiencing real results.

And after years of searching high and low I’m happy to say I found a formula that works. A very effective formula in fact, for creating high performing Facebook advertising campaigns. Which means, you don’t need to spend as much money to get the traffic you need, because every cent you spend, is spent wisely… saving you tons of money and time.

That means you can do this too. No superhuman abilities are required. You simply copy the formula taught in this training.

When I started using Facebook for marketing, I had zero skills, zero experience and no qualifications. So as you can see, no unfair advantage whatsoever.

I struggled with building Facebook campaigns, trying to get traffic and making them convert. Then one day, everything changed for me. I put together a campaign, that brought in a 323% return on investment. That was it. That led me to mapping out a formula for creating high converting Facebook advertising campaigns.

Since, I’ve been featured in many media outlets such as Working Women magazine, Tasmanian Times and Channel 7 news to name a few.
But what’s even better is that I’ve helped a lot of world renowned experts leverage the power of Facebook advertising campaigns, such as Harry Dent, Pat Mesiti and Allan Pease.
Every year for example, we’re responsible for marketing Harry Dent’s and Allan Pease’s Australian events.

But best of all, is that although these people have large advertising budgets, the formula we use can still be implemented with smaller budgets.

So this means that YOU too can achieve similar results, regardless of whether you have experience or not, regardless of whether you have an established business or not and regardless of whether you have a big budget or not.

Bottom line is, regardless of where you’re at with your business, you can implement this formula.

Don't be Left Behind: Get The Ultimate Facebook Pixel Fromula Today!

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